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from the 

Executive Director

Smiling Baby

It is with great honor that I serve as the first Executive Director of the District of Columbia Association for the Education of Young Children (DCAEYC), an affiliate of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). I look forward to meeting every current member and potential member. DCAEYC is growing rapidly and succinctly.

Since May 1966, first known as The National Capital Area Association for the Education of Young Children, DCAEYC’s mission remains the same, to promote high-quality early childhood programs and advocate on behalf of all those that care for, educate and work on behalf of young children.


DCAEYC has core values of creating professional and leadership opportunities for early educators, to enhance the influence on shaping local policies for young children, and to equip a growing and engaged membership with effective structures and processes for carrying out the work of our mission.


As a member of DCAEYC, you are part of a vibrant, diverse and inclusive community of ECE stakeholders that seek to support the early childhood profession and the social and academic outcomes of young children through a collective and unified voice. 


If you are a new member, let me be the first to welcome to DCAEYC. If you are a long term member, thank you for being an important part of a growing and dynamic 800 persons strong Membership. If you are thinking about being a member, membership will help you develop your knowledge and skills while expanding your network locally and nationally. Whatever your professional goals are, we can help you get there.



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